Junior Golf Academy Saturday

Junior Golf Academy Saturday
Group Junior golf coaching with Lucas Bickers. First Saturday of every month at pitch and putt
Beginners / Intermediate (6 years to 9 years)
Ideal for Juniors who are looking to take their first swings in golf, we cover the five fundamentals of golf, including grip, stance, posture, ball position and the basic swing. Lessons include Pitch & Putt tournament, Par3 Away Days. Range Winter League. No need to have own clubs, clubs can be provided.
Intermediate Plus (9 Years to 12 Years)
Ideal for junior golfers who have been playing for a while and are ready to take the step up to the next level. We cover the five fundamentals of golf, but also work on the technical areas of the swing, including swing path, plane, weight distribution and the hinge in the golf swing. Golfers must have their own clubs which should include, Bag, Driver, Hybrid,5,7,9,PW,SW, Putter.